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Ruawai College Production: Skellig

On Friday the 27 of July, Ruawai College held the school production - Skellig. Please find some photos below from the night

17th August 2018|

School Social – Everything and anything American

On July 4th at 7:00pm we had a school social which was themed 'Everything and Anything American' There was an array of costumes and even a projector which screened American Football. It was an awesome night [...]

6th August 2018|

Ruawai has talent

Ruawai College had its very own Talent show and what a success it was. All the performing acts did a fantastic job and the audience was the best, loudest and most supportive audience that I [...]

6th August 2018|


On the 28th of May, four Year 7s (Chauntelle, Lucas, Mokoia and Jodie) along with our science teacher, Miss Batters, were selected to go to an event at Bream Bay College called Robocup Junior. Throughout [...]

3rd July 2018|

Body Worlds

A tour of the Body Worlds Exhibition on Wednesday 20 June was an anatomy lesson that Ruawai College students will never forget. The show provided a first-hand experience for students to get up close with [...]

3rd July 2018|

African Drumming

Today for Arts and Cultural week the students took part in African Drumming. It was loud, fun and there was a great turn out of Students and Teachers. See below some photos of the action.

28th June 2018|

Face Painting

This week here at Ruawai College we are holding an Arts and Cultural week! Every day at break 2 there is something that the students can take part in, from pavement art, Mau rakau to [...]

28th June 2018|

The Ruawai College Masquerade Ball

This much anticipated and glamorous event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Congratulations goes to the Ball committee and the Deputy Principal Ms Davis for their fantastic organisation of this gala ball. See below the King [...]

20th June 2018|

Year 12 Geography Trip to Tongariro

On Sunday the 20th of May, the Level 2 Geography class travelled to the Tongariro Volcanic Centre to conduct field research on how climate and altitude affects vegetation growth on Mt Ruapehu, and to gain [...]

20th June 2018|

Congratulations Jimmy Panoho!

We are very proud to acknowledge a New Zealand representative amongst us.  A huge shout out to Jimmy Panoho who has been selected for the Under 22 New Zealand Maori Men’s Basketball team. Jimmy is [...]

12th June 2018|