Ruawai College School Haka
Haka o te kura tua rua o Ruawai
Ruawai e?
Ruawai, are you there?
I e!
We are here!
Ruawai e?
Ruawai are you there?
I e!
We are here!
Kia mau nga hau i te uru
Grasp the winds in the north
Kia mau nga hau i te tonga
Grasp the winds in the south
Ko Tokatoka te maunga, Wairoa te awa, Kaipara moana e
Tokatoka is our mountain, Wairoa is our river, Kaipara is our ocean
Ko wai ra?
Who are we?
Ko nga Ruawai tangata
We are the people of Ruawai
Ko te mana o nga Ruawai
We are the strength of the two waters
Ko te Kura tua rua o Ruawai e, Hi!
We are the secondary school of Ruawai
Ko Ruawai engunguru nei!
This is our land that rumbles!
Au, au, aue ha!
It is my time, it is my moment!
Ka tu te ihi, ihi ka tu, te wanawana
Our dominance will inspire
Kei runga ki te rangi e tu iho nei, tu iho nei, tu iho nei. Hi!
And we will be placed on a high.