‘A Device for Every Student Initiative’

Helpful tips to look after your Chromebook

If you are issued or using a school Chromebook and charger, these are school property; you need to look after them just as you would with any other school-owned items. 

  • Always carry the Chromebook in a bag when walking around
  • Keeping the Chromebook charged whenever possible
  • Keep the Chromebook charger in a safe place
  • Never leave the Chromebook on the floor
  • Keep the Chromebook in your bag or on the teacher’s desk when not using it
  • Never eat or drink over the Chromebook
  • Make sure the Chromebook does not get wet in the rain
  • Be gentle with the keyboard buttons
  • Report any damage as soon as possible
  • When called upon, take the Chromebook for a device check
  • If you buy your own device (BYOD) then you need to return the Chromebook for another student to use