YEAR 7-10

Students will study the basics such as Literacy and Numeracy. In addition to this students have a range of modules they can choose from which cover Art, Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Music etc. This ensures they get a broad foundation to their education.

YEAR 11 

In Year 11 students study English, Mathematics, Science and three other subjects. Subjects offer Achievement Standards and/or Unit Standards towards Level One NCEA.


Year 12 students study English and a range of additional subjects. Most Year 12 students work towards Level Two NCEA. Prerequisites apply to many subjects indicating the minimum level of performance required to gain subject entry

YEAR 13 

Most students in Year 13 work towards NCEA Level Three. Again prerequisites apply to many subjects indicating the minimum level of performance required to gain subject entry. It is important that students take courses designed to facilitate their transition from school to tertiary study or work.

Multi-level study is an important component of the school curriculum. Senior students may, with approval from Heads of Learning, combine NCEA Level One, Two and/or Three subjects.